I helped my twin sister become a pornstar

The summer sunlight streamed in through the window. Yawning, I stretched my arms and legs, and looked down to the morning glory tenting the sheets. As I was about to reach for my cock, my hand got entangled in strawberry blonde hair. I arched an eyebrow and studied it with the help of the sunlight. It certainly wasn’t my mom’s hair since hers was a shade darker, and a guy like me rarely hung around girls.

I stiffened as I felt someone breathing against my neck, and I picked up a feminine scent. I twisted to the left and was prepared to jump out of my bed and call the police. But I recognized her high cheekbones and button nose—It was my gorgeous twin sister.

As more sunlight filled the room, she opened up her eyes too and smiled at me. “You look like a deer caught in the headlights,” she said and yawned.

I reached for my glasses and pushed them up my nose. “What are you doing here?” I asked. She’d moved out a year ago when both of us started college. We were nineteen years old, but I didn’t bother moving out since unlike her, I got along well with our mom.

“Sorry if I scared you,” she said. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and laid it under her back. My eyes trailed down to her shoulders and luckily, I saw the straps of a bra. “Tiffany and I got kicked out of our apartment, so I had to move back here again. I couldn’t find a sheet for my bed so I decided to crash here.”

Kicked out … Mom was going to be so pissed. “You could have told me before sneaking into my bed like this.”

“Sorry,” she said and made a little fake shy face, making herself look even more attractive. I tried looking away, but she made me think of my forbidden dreams. She was so gorgeous, and I tried my hardest to think of something else than the taboo dreams that haunted the back of my mind.

When we were growing up, we’d been intimate like any other siblings out there. Our parents had photos of us kissing and holding each other’s hands, but then as we blossomed, puberty pulled us apart. She attracted attention like no other girl out there. She had well-endowed breasts shaped like the perfect teardrops, and her curves were close to perfection. She wasn’t dumb, despite her tanking grades. She was intelligent enough to use her beauty, getting her way with just her voice or jiggle of the breasts.

She fixed her eyes on the tented sheets. “What’s that?” she asked and was just about to reach for it.

I quickly grabbed her wrist, but deep inside me, I’d fantasized about having her fingers curled around my girth. “It does that in the morning,” I told her and blushed.

“You look well hung,” she said and stifled a giggle. “From what I remember, you used to have a pinky finger.”

I awkwardly tucked it into the waistband, but my underwear was loose and didn’t clamp it completely down. “You aren’t the only one who’s hit puberty,” I told her. I kept facing the wall, finding it hard to keep my eyes on her when we were lying this close. I also tried my hardest to tame my erection, but it seemed futile at the moment.

“Why don’t you look at me when I’m talking to you?” she asked and gave me a light punch on the shoulder. “I’m your sister after all.”

I could feel her eyes drilling into my back. Attention was almost everything she cared about these days. I didn’t follow her on Instagram. I was afraid the temptation to masturbate to her photos would be too great to resist. I also had a friend who would never leave me alone, constantly asking questions about my hot sister.

Drawing in a deep breath, I rolled to the side. Her blue eyes sparkled, and she lay her hand flat on my chest. As soon as she touched me, I was about to melt from the heat. “Why are you so tense?”

“I just didn’t expect to wake up next to you,” I stammered.

“We always used to sleep together,” she pointed out.

“That was before puberty though.”


She pulled the sheets down to her waist. She just had to wear a blue teardrop bikini with spaghetti straps instead of a regular bra. It barely even covered her nipples and areolas and left miles of her flesh as taboo eye candy.

My eyes drifted to her cleavage, but she reached for my chin and gave it a gentle lift. “My eyes are up here,” she teased me and a smile played on her lips.

At that moment, I caught a foreign scent. It was completely novel but smelled similar to sweet urine. It sparked my imagination, and I wondered where her fingers had just been.

“Maybe we should just go and eat some breakfast before our mom finds us here,” I said as sweat prickled my scalp. It was getting hot, and my erection throbbed harder than ever.

“What?” she asked, clearly not liking the idea. “Why would it be a problem for her to find us two here, lying side by side and enjoying a morning conversation?”

“You do the math.”

You do the math,” she hurled back at me. “I’m not a smartass like you.”

“I disagree,” I said. I was careful with stroking her ego too much, but she wasn’t dumb by any means. “By all seriousness, Nadya, you should be going.”

“Why don’t you ever have some fun?” she kept pestering me. “It can’t be fun living like a hermit—”

“Mark?” my mom called from outside the bedroom. “Can I come in?”

My sister quickly threw the sheets over her, giggling like mad. I thought she’d grown up after a year in college, but she was still that playful child I remembered her to be. “Sure,” I said and felt sweat dripping down the sides of my head.

She opened the door and wore a purple, silky, morning robe. She’d tied the belt tightly into a tight knot, which made her busty breasts and voluptuous figure strain against her robe. She’d brushed her dark blonde hair which glittered down her back. Nadya had inherited our mom’s beauty, and it was sometimes painful for me to admit that I also found her equally as gorgeous. Nadya had the same blue eyes as her and also flawless cheekbones. “Just a heads up, your sister will move back today.”

I felt a few fingers creeping toward my thigh. Christ, was she actually going for my manhood? Slipping my hand under the sheets, I waved her off me. “Okay, thanks.”

“I’ll make some breakfast for you,” she said and was luckily too tired to hear her daughter giggling under the sheets.

“Okay,” I said. After she’d closed the door, I let out the deepest breath of my life.

 Nadya threw the sheets aside, grinning from ear to ear. “We almost got caught.”

“Please, get out of here,” I told her in a hushed voice.

“Oh, look who’s speaking now,” she said and looked at me with more interest. Lying on the side, she tried seizing my attention with the help of her ripe breasts. “Why don’t you just go yourself?”

I swallowed hard. I waited because I had one of the strongest erections I’ve had in years.

“Is there something you’re trying to hide from me?” she asked again and her sneaky fingers were inching toward my joystick again.

I sprang out of bed and snatched my pillow. I kept it in front of me as I scrambled into the bathroom. I didn’t have another choice since she would drag it out.

After pouring buckets of cold water on my erection, I finally tamed it. Sighing a breath of relief, I got dressed in a white shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. Then I pushed my glasses up my nose, and looked at myself in the mirror, studying my scrawny body. Standing at six-foot-two, I was average looking with short dark hair. I had inherited my father’s looks, but I was mostly grateful for the intelligence he’d passed on to me. I brushed my short dark hair and then descended the stairs. A tower of hotcakes waited for me with syrup dribbling down the sides.

“What took you so long?” Mom asked with a curious smile.

“Morning stuff.” I sat down and we dug in. The hotcake melted in my mouth along with the sweet maple syrup. I loved her food and was grateful for every meal she cooked for me.

After we’d eaten, my mom sighed as she washed the dishes. I noticed she was in a worse mood than usual. I pushed my glasses further up my nose. “Are you alright?” I asked her.

She shook her head. “Your sister got evicted,” she said and turned to me with her fist against her hip. She looked at the photo of my sister hanging on the wall. She had an iris tucked behind her ear, matching the color of her deep blue eyes, and her strawberry blonde hair spilled over her small shoulders.

Even if that sneaky fox hadn’t told me, it would have been my first guess. “So that’s why she had to move back here?”

“Yup,” she said and took her eyes off the photo and dried her hands on the towel. “I don’t mind having her under my roof, but I just wished she could behave for once.”

It was currently summer break and then I would start my second year of college, studying computer programming. My grades were already top-notch since I knew coding from an early age. My mom was proud of me but wished of course her daughter would choose the same path in life. I had respect for our mother who’d dedicated her young life to raising us. She was currently thirty-eight but looked way younger than that.

The stairs squeaked and it startled my mom. My sister descended the stairs, wearing a pink shirt and a matching mini-skirt, and her two nipples were about to poke through her clothing like two daggers. She strode down without a bra on and took my breath away from me. Our mom went to the middle of the living room and stood rooted at the spot, demanding an answer. “You said you would come today?”

She raised her dirty fingers over her lips and giggled. “I’m sorry. Landlady was so pissed off that she kicked us out a day earlier.”

My mom’s lips flattened into a thin line. “Nadya, this isn’t okay. You’re an adult now and you should behave like one.”

“I do,” she said and leaned her shoulder against the wall and crossed her legs. Behaving like an adult … I could only guess what she meant by that.

“Have you sent out some resumes?” she asked Nadya but wasn’t holding her breath.

“That’s none of your business,” she said as tensions rose.

Mom let out a sigh. “You know I can’t afford you living here for free. Mark has no problem finding a job then why can’t you?”

“Are you calling me a freeloader?” Nadya asked and frowned at her.

“Now you’re just provoking me,” our mother said. “I would never insult you. You’re my daughter and I love you.”

She drew in a deep breath. “Are there some hotcakes left for me?”

“Be an adult now and make them yourself,” Mom said firmly.

Nadya’s frown deepened. She hated rejections, and it was because she rarely faced one, especially when it came to guys. She was one of the most popular girls in the entire college and had been so throughout high school as well. It wasn’t easy concentrating on her walking around without a bra on. It was something I feared as well—It wouldn’t be easy working, let alone masturbating when I felt the urge.


“I don’t know what to do,” my sister said in despair. She was sunbathing outside, and her friend, Catalina, was right next to her. Catalina was already tanned and her dark hair spilled all over her back. Catalina had one of the most gorgeous heart-shaped asses I’d ever seen, and her obsidian eyes looked like two rare gems. She was from Argentina and spoke with a hot accent that made me melt. She was just as wild as my sister, waving a dismissive hand at her future. “My mom refuses to buy me new clothes, and I haven’t managed to land a job either.”

“Have you sent out some resumes?” Catalina asked, and she wasn’t the only one who was suspicious. A smoking hot girl like Nadya should have no issue landing a job, as long as there was a male employer. She also knew how to wield her beauty like no other young girl out there.

“Yeah, but I haven’t found anything that interests me. I don’t want to be a stupid sales assistant or a dirty waitress. I want to have fun and do something exotic.”

“We had lots of fun working at the cafe last year. They were just giving out tips like candy.”

“It was fun but I don’t know. I’m also growing tired of school. I have no idea how I’ll be able to manage three more years.”

“Did you have any plans before you started college?”

 “I have been thinking of something I could be doing, but I’m not sure.”

She caught Catalina’s interest as she opened up her round twinkling eyes. “You better open up for me.”

“Do you want me to drop the bomb?”

Catalina grabbed her arm. “Girl, spit it out.”

Nadya looked around, making sure no one was close by. “To film some adult stuff.”

Catalina gasped while Nadya giggled. My eyes widened. “No way,” Catalina refused to believe it.

“Why not?” Nadya said and inched her hips closer to her friend. I had originally planned to masturbate to Catalina, but I knew it wouldn’t be possible when my sister lay so close to her.

“I knew you were dirty, but not that dirty.”

“I just read an article about how much money pornstars are making.” She rolled to the side, lying on her back and spread her legs right on the grass. “They are riding the gravy train. And think about it, just lying there being fucked all day long by some well-endowed man. Plus, you get paid—big time.”

Catalina rolled onto her right side, and her two exotic melons fell on top of each other like the number eight. She propped her head up with her right hand. “You have to do some work yourself though. No guy wants to masturbate to a dead fish.”

“Who doesn’t want a big cock to suck on?” she asked and licked her lips as she lost herself in her dream.

“Or get fucked by one,” Catalina added and reached down to ring the devil’s doorbell. She rubbed her finger over her bikini bottom, and I saw a wet patch growing in the middle. “But most of the guys I’ve been with are tiny.”

Nadya reached for her bottom as it started getting steamy. It took ages to explore her great Argentinian cheeks. I arched an eyebrow and questioned how far they would go. I was about to pop wood to my own sister even if I tried to suppress it. “You need something big for your impressive ass.”

She brushed the blonde hair away from Nadya’s face. “And a big load for your beautiful face.”

“We could make so many dirty films together,” Nadya said. “I don’t want to miss my window.”

“You’re putting me on the spot here.” Catalina stiffened and didn’t seem so keen to pet her kitty any longer. “I never said I wanted to join in on your dirty ideas.”

“I’ll make you,” Nadya said, squeezing Catalin’s ass. My sister was known to get it her way, and even her best friends found her hard to resist.

“We’ll see,” Catalina said, sounding unsure. “The hardest part will be to find a man who is well-equipped for the job.”

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking earlier. But it’s just an idea for now.”

“And I hope it will remain one. Otherwise, you’re more than welcome to come to my mom’s cafe again.”

Nadya kissed Catalina straight on her lips. “Thank you, but I’ll wait a few days.”

The kiss hardened my cock to concrete, and it felt as if it were about to break through the zipper.


When our mom got home from work, she prepared dinner, and it didn’t take long till she shouted for me. “Mark, dinner!”

It had been years since I ate with my sister and her friend Catalina. I hoped it wouldn’t turn out as awkward as I thought it would. I prepared myself well with baggy shorts. I knew already I would pop wood and didn’t want to spend half of my time there trying to conceal it. I descended the stairs and took a seat at the table.

“You’ve been home all the time?” Catalina asked.

“Uhm, yeah, I’m working from home,” I stammered. Of course, I always had to sound nervous in front of her, but I tried not to gawk at her young curves. They were golden brown as if fresh out of the oven, matching her thick, dark and glittery hair. She wore a similar blue teardrop bikini as my sister, and her massive bust strained against it.

“Coding, right?”

“Yeah mostly,” I said. I had no idea why I said mostly since it was the only thing I worked with.

“Do both of you have to wear a bikini?” our mom asked in a calm voice. She was wearing a blue summer dress with a plunging V-neck, showing a cleavage that I was ashamed to admit I’d also dreamed about.

“Mark wants us to wear this,” my flirty sister said.

“I haven’t said anything,” I objected.

“Deep in your heart, I know you want us to wear this,” she said and waggled her eyebrows.

Catalina just chuckled. Our mom gave her a look, and it annoyed her whenever she would turn on her coquettish behavior. I didn’t mind when she said something like that to her friends but in front of our mom, it was embarrassing.

She served us burgers, and we chatted about what we’d done today. As usual, I didn’t say much, but they nudged me to speak. It wasn’t easy having a conversation in real life when most of my time was spent by myself.

Nadya spilled sparkling water all over her, and it fizzed over her breasts, making her skin glitter in the sunlight. I watched her a second too much, and Catalina caught it and smirked at me. It made me look the other way, and I hoped she wouldn’t get the wrong idea about me.

After we’d devoured the burgers, our mother looked at us with her elbows on the table. “Do you want some ice cream?”

“I would love some,” Catalina said.

“Me too,” Nadya said and licked her fingers.

I nodded too. Our mom truly was the sweetest. Despite having almost quarreled with her daughter, she still paid attention to us. Our mom pulled out a box from the freezer and gave us all an ice cream bar. Throwing the plastic wrapper on the table, all three of them licked the white cream in tandem. I tried my hardest not to look at them, especially my mom and sister. I glanced at Catalina and saw her sopping tongue licking the white cream. Nadya spilled all over her fingers and sucked each one of them more than necessary.

Our mom eventually nudged her. “Okay, Nadya, that’s enough.”

“What?” she said, pretending not to understand. “You know I love ice cream.”

My raging hard-on blueballed me like never before but thankfully I survived.

After Catalina hugged my sister goodbye, she opened up her arms to me. “It was nice seeing you again,” Catalina said. My hand bumped into hers as I was about to embrace her. Luckily, she played it off with a smile and didn’t give up. She embraced me and mashed her golden breasts right against my chest. She must have felt my erection, and even though I wore shorts twice my size, my cock was hard as steel.

“You too,” I said and caught the scent of a rosy perfume.

“DM me when you’re home,” Nadya said, standing on the doorstep and waving at Catalina.

Catalina kissed her hand and blew it to her. “Of course, darling.”

I felt stabbing pain in both of my balls and knew I couldn’t endure this torture any longer. I almost stumbled on the first step when running up to my bedroom. I tore off my belt and pulled my shorts and underwear down to my ankles. I plopped down onto my chair, and this was the first in a long time I grasped my shaft without some steamy porn to watch. A drop of sweat trickled from my temple, and I imagined how Catalina was still in my arms, and I buried my face in her cleavage. I stroked my cock harder and tried my hardest not to think of my sister, but it was difficult since she kept flashing through my mind. “Please, don’t think of your own sister while masturbating,” I told myself and kept jerking harder. I gripped the arm of the chair as the orgasm was building quickly. I imagined Catalina nude and how she flashed her jiggling breasts and heart-shaped ass. I thought of spraying my load all over her cheeks and having her lips sealed tight around my girth. I kept stroking my cock as a drop of sweat fell to my thighs. I leaned back and tried to stifle my moans. “Almost there,” I mouthed and bit my bottom lip. My hips buckled as I fired a thick rope of cum over my chest and stomach, and spilled the rest all over my fingers. “Ahh, geez—” Right then my door swung open and my sister stepped in.

“Can you help me with my computer—” She cut herself off with a loud gasp, and her hands flew to her cheeks.

My face flushed and felt as if it were on fire, and I immediately pulled up my shorts, smearing the cum all over my clothes. “What are you doing?” I hurled back at her in panic and then shouted at her, “Get out of here!”

It was the first time she’d seen my cock since puberty. “It’s enormous,” she stammered in disbelief.

“Mom!” I shouted.

She slowly closed the door, but I saw the widest grin spread over her young face.


It was difficult falling asleep last night and even more difficult sitting here trying to get some work done. I’d never in my entire life gotten caught masturbating, and the way she’d stared at my cock made me lower my head in shame. I was certain I must have been heard now or then, but not have someone walk in on me like that. It was easy to forget that Nadya was here when she’d just moved in. That bratty fox. My mom would never do something so impulsive and just step into my bedroom without knocking and making sure the coast was clear.

Our mom was away for work, and I heard my twin sister pacing the living room. It was weird she hadn’t gone out with her friends yet. I had a feeling she was waiting specifically for me. I gritted my teeth as it was my lunch break, and I didn’t have another choice but to face her.

I rose and slowly descended the stairs. I caught the scent of her pear shampoo along with something else … something I had caught earlier when she’d snuck into my bed. Right when I set my foot down on the floor, she called for me at the other end of the living room. “Good morning.”

I didn’t look at her. “Good morning,” I said and headed straight for the kitchen.

“Can I have a word with you?”

“I have to eat and then go back to work,” I told her and opened the fridge to grab the leftovers from yesterday.

“I’m also going to eat,” she said and was already right behind me, and her presence sent a shiver down my spine. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and internally cursed her. I pushed my food into the microwave and tried ignoring her as much as I could.

“Are you embarrassed about yesterday?” she asked. “If you are, I won’t tell anyone. We all masturbate.”

“Nadya … You’re my sister.” It was nothing that sounded so convincing as her mouth. “Please, don’t mention it again.” I accidentally glanced at her. She was twirling her blonde hair on her finger and wore another pair of her microkini. Only three triangles covered her three forbidden parts, and the rest of her flesh was all mine to gawk at. “Of all the clothes you got to wear,” I said to myself and shook my head.

“What?” she asked innocently. “It’s summer and it’s roasting … You should also slip off some clothes.”

I gave her a look, and it was difficult to make eye contact with her two blue eyes without drowning in them. It wasn’t only the clothes, but now I noticed she’d applied the sluttiest makeup … looking exactly like a pornstar she so desperately wanted to become. I was unsure what she was looking for. Even before separating a year ago, she still enjoyed dressing like a slut, but she usually kept some decency under the family roof.

I took my food and sat down. She joined me shortly after, of course, choosing the seat right in front of me. “If you’re in such a hurry,” she suggested, “maybe we can talk over lunch.”

She got on my nerves. “What exactly do you want?”

“I want your help,” she said and got the spoon of Mom’s stew into her mouth.

“You have to be a bit more specific than that.”

“I don’t want you to choke on your food,” she said and tittered on the side.

Now I feared the worst. I laid the silverware to the side of my bowl and inhaled deeply. “Just spit it out. I don’t have all day.”

“Well, as you probably know I’m struggling in school and I don’t enjoy those jobs that I have been offered.” She took a break to wash her mouth with water. “I want to try out a new career, but I need a man, and you will be the perfect match for the job.”

I arched an eyebrow. “You want to offer me a job?”

“Not exactly. I want you to be a part of one of my projects.”

“If you don’t get straight to the point, I’ll go up to my room and eat there.”

“I need your help to become an adult entertainer.”

“Go do your dirty stuff then,” I said.

“I can’t without a man.”

“Find your man then,” I told her and started eating again. I suspected she needed help with perhaps making a website. I could give her a helping hand with that. Despite her bratty behavior, I didn’t dislike or hate her. We’d always had feelings for each other, and we were family after all.

“I need a man that is well-hung.”

I dropped my spoon full of food right onto the table and raised my trembling eyes to hers. Her blue, twinkling eyes didn’t blink—She was dead serious. “What the fuck Nadya?” I questioned in disbelief.

“Come on,” she said and gave me a little kick with her small feet. “I know you watch me.”

“No, I do not,” I said and raised my voice greater than usual.

“Why are you overreacting then?”

“Because I’m your brother.”

“So?” she asked and really wasn’t bothered with the incest part. “It might be taboo at first, but you would rather have a taste of that forbidden fruit, wouldn’t you?”

“But ….”

“But what?” she asked. “I know you’ve dreamt of having sex with me.”

“Okay, maybe I have fantasized now and then,” I admitted. “But I’d never in my life act in a pornographic film with you.”

“What do you usually watch to get you off?” she teased me. “Why sit and watch others enjoy themselves when it could be you? I’ve been with some guys, and you are way beyond average—The biggest cock I’ve ever seen, to be honest. Your joystick was made to pleasure a girl. It wasn’t made to be stroked by the owner.”

“Nadya,” I said sternly and wanted her to stop. I could run up to my room, but I already felt her grip tightening around me. “Again, this isn’t even legal.”

She rose to her feet and sat next to me. She flirtatiously took my hand, and she gently guided it to the center between her legs. “What are you doing?”

“What do you think … If you are against this, why aren’t you resisting?” she asked.

She lowered my hand right on her womanhood, only the fabric of her micro bikini bottom separating my touch from her most intimate part. This was wrong of us, but it felt so thrilling.

I gently rubbed my finger over her spongy lips, feeling a warmth and wetness unlike any other. I started debating myself whether I should just yield and ask whether I could touch her further, but I didn’t. She spread her legs wider for me, spreading her scent of honey. Then she gently touched my hardening bulge with her other hand.

“You’re getting turned on … Why can’t you just be honest, tell me how you truly feel about this.”

I drew a circle right on her bikini bottom, prodding deeper and deeper till her honey seeped through the fabric. She continuously stroked the tip as well. It would feel better if she would reach in and just grab my erection. I also drifted to the side of the fabric, touching the borders of her womanhood. “You can touch me all you want,” she urged me.

She was about to reach for her micro bikini bottom and pulled it aside, but I stopped her, the blue balls were about to derail me. “Just give me some time to think about it, okay?”

“Alright,” she said and pressed her wet lips to my cheeks.


I couldn’t help but think my sister had been awfully quiet at the end of the day. She was either plotting something or had decided to give me some time to think about it. I had never touched a pussy in my life, and as soon as I had gone up to my bedroom again, I had licked my fingers, tasting her forbidden honey. Truth be told, I wanted more.

I crawled into bed and let my head fall on my soft pillow. She was right. I had watched her for a long time. It could be because of her I might not remain a virgin. I shook my head. What was I thinking? Losing my virginity to my blood-related sister? What about the blow to our mom? Only if she finds out … God damn Nadya and her toxic tongue. But deep inside me, I wanted it and craved it. I was about to pitch a tent to her, which I had done several times before. She was just so hot. But you would rather have a taste of that forbidden fruit, wouldn’t you?

My mind went spinning. I didn’t know what to think of this, but as my eyes trailed further down and saw my sheets rising in the middle of the bed, I knew what my cock truly wanted. I would have to sleep on it for now. I closed my eyes and descended into sleep.


I dreamed of an intense dream about magic glowing around my cock, so intense it eventually pulled me away from the dream. Waking up, I realized it wasn’t magic, but a pleasure so intense I thought it was magic. “Hmm God,” I moaned.

I picked my head up and saw something bobbing up and down beneath my sheets. “What the hell?” I said and lifted the sheets. Right between my legs, lay my sister with my cock stuffed in her mouth. The muscles of her young, tight throat massaged my head. She pulled her head back and gave the slit a kiss. The string of her saliva still stretched from her lip to the crown of my cock as she said, “I just thought to stop by.”

“Christ, Nadya, you shouldn’t be sucking me.”

“We have done a lot of naughty things we shouldn’t be doing.” She plunged my cock into her mouth again, letting it slide in and out without using her hands.

“Oh my God, that feels amazing.” I glanced nervously at the door and to my relief, it was shut. “What time is it?”

“It’s three in the morning.” Licking her lips, she took my cock back into her mouth. My head spun with guilty pleasure, and despite my brain screaming at me to stop, I reached for her head and helped to feed her my cock. It wasn’t too late to abort as I asked myself what the hell we were doing. I thought I was strong enough to push her away from me, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t even close as I shivered with pleasure.

“God … you’re crazy,” I managed to say, “Our mother’s bedroom is right next to mine.”

She came off with a wet pop. “You better not raise your voice then.” She kept me seized in her grip as she descended back on my cock, breathing onto the crown. “You’re so big.” She stroked the shaft harder, which was so wet it was like stroking a bar of soap.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I mouthed and tried to push my cock further into her mouth. I yielded and didn’t listen to the voice which kept telling me to abort; it just felt so damn good and thrilling.

 I felt something small and light poking and tickling my thighs. I lifted the sheets again and noticed she was topless. Her two perfect teardrops were hanging down to my thighs, dangling like two ripe fruits. “This is … ah.” I couldn’t finish my speech, and the most intense feeling radiated through me. She stuffed my rod deeper into her mouth, and I reached for a fistful of her strawberry-blonde hair. With a hard grunt, I exploded inside her, and the hot cum splashed in her mouth. “Ahh,” I let out a moan, and my head fell onto the pillow with a great thump. She’d taken my breath and seed away from me.

She kept it in her mouth, sucking out the cum before coming off with a smack. My cock swayed and then fell flat on my stomach. She teased me with a few more licks and sucks, being a good girl and cleaning up the mess. She came crawling up to me and lowered her head on the pillow next to me. “How did it feel?”

“Please don’t do that again.” But it had been my biggest forbidden dream, and it had just turned true. I twisted my head and faced her, and that was when I noticed a string of pearly jizz dribbling down her chin. “You have something left on your chin.”

She licked it up with her delicious tongue. I then touched my waist since I was so used to having cum over my stomach after an orgasm. “Where did it go?”

She opened up her mouth and stuck her tongue out. “I swallowed everything … How a sister is supposed to behave.”

“Damn—” I shut my mouth as our mom opened her bedroom door. I wanted to throw her out the window if she would make a noise now. She quickly threw the sheets over her. For every footstep made my heart beat quicker, and sweat broke out on my forehead. She passed my room, and I could finally breathe as she went to the bathroom to pee. But then something bobbed beneath the sheets again. “God damn Nadya,” I said as she wrapped her lips around my cock again.

She came crawling back up with a giggle. “I just wanted to clean it properly—”

I pushed my finger over her lips. “Don’t talk so loud.”

She rolled her eyes. “Have you thought about what we talked about earlier?”

Was that the reason she decided to wake me up? But I just couldn’t be angry. That was one of the greatest sexual experiences of my life. “I’ll think about it tomorrow.”

“Can you lay on your side?” she asked and drew a circle on my chest. “I prefer eye contact when speaking.”

I did as she wished and lay on my side. She was so beautiful, so smoking hot I even melted as she lay there in front of me. Her blonde hair glowed in the dark, illuminating her two breasts capped with pink areolas and topped with pink nipples. They were like two magical orbs, and I felt the urge to ravish her as I saw them. “That’s better,” she said and laid her hand on my shoulder. It was nothing to brag about. I was scrawny and there wasn’t much muscle there. “You still didn’t answer my earlier question about the blow job.”

“It was great,” I admitted. “The best sexual experience in my life.”

“How many others have there been?”

That was a question that weighed me down with shame. “Only from my hand.”

“You can break that curse anytime you want with me, don’t forget that.”

“Blow job is one thing but sex is another.”

She obviously wasn’t agreeing. “We just blasted the taboo barrier to bits … Let’s take it a step further.”

“You honestly don’t feel weird about this?” I asked and searched her gorgeous face.

“Not at all,” she said and gave me a firm look. “Mark, I love you, and you’re my brother. I’d do anything for you … Even pleasuring you.”

 “I still don’t know—” Our mom flushed the toilet and was on her way out.

Her finger traced my chest and down to my manhood. “Do you feel the thrill?”

I did especially as our mom left the bathroom, making me sweat at the same time. She halted in the middle of the hall, startling both of us. We exchanged glances, and the seconds felt like an eternity. I put a stern finger over her lips as she was about to say something. My heart was about to jump out of my chest. And all the possible horror scenes flashed through my mind. How was I going to explain this one? She then sneezed and sauntered back into her bedroom and closed the door. I wiped my brow and took a deep breath. “I was about to pass out,” I admitted.

“It reminded me of when we were fare dodging, and we locked ourselves in the bathroom of the train to avoid the conductor.”

I smiled at her. “I remembered it too.”

“Do you want to touch my breasts?” she offered me, right out of the blue.

“I’ve always wanted to,” I admitted. “Ever since you hit puberty and I saw them blossom in front of me.”

“Touch them,” she offered, pushing her chest toward me as if serving them on a silver plate.

“You sure?” I asked as if it were too good to be true.

“Yeah, I just sucked you,” she said with a laugh on the side.

I cupped them, and they were incredibly soft to the touch, and it was so satisfactory to sink my fingers into her skin. “God, they are soft.” She didn’t even have to ask me if I enjoyed them. My happy face said it all as I dived deeper into her flesh, and it warmed my core. “Wow,” I finally said and didn’t believe that the touch of breasts would feel so amazing.

“Have I made you change your mind now?” she asked.

I surrendered. “How do you expect a virgin like me to last like a pornstar?”

Now the grin spread on her face. “I will tutor you. If they can do it then so can you.”

“Well, as long as my face won’t be on the camera. I guess we could give it a shot—” She threw her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around mine, so I felt her wet panties.

“You’re the greatest,” she said. She then brushed the hair from my face and planted a kiss right on my lips. The first kiss in more years and powerful enough to knock me out and bring me to Nirvana.

“Are you there?” she asked and knocked on my forehead.

I licked my lips as I snapped back to reality. “When will we begin?” I asked her.


I swallowed hard since that was sooner than I expected. She then kissed me again, which calmed me, and in the end, I didn’t worry about a thing.


Click here for part two, or if you want to buy the entire story, you can find it on my website:  Sister’s Porn Dream + nude photos of Nadya included!

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